Admissions & Enrollment

Simpler For Parents (And Your Staff).

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Mother and Daugher School Meeting

Transform Your School's Enrollment.
Every Step Of The Way.

From new to existing students, makes your school's enrollment simpler and faster for parents and staff alike.

Students in classroom
Screenshot of Application and PDF

Portal Login & Forms

One login. One place to do-it-all for parents.

Create dynamic and responsive admissions and enrollment forms, provide efficient and flexible tuition payments, share important documents, and sell uniforms or merchandise.

  • Admissions Forms
  • Pay Deposits and Fees
  • Share Files and Documents
Man at computer with Engage.In Order

Tuition & Payments

Get your tuition and deposits faster.

Automation saves your team countless hours with auto-billing, triggered reminders, confirmation emails and PDF receipts.

  • Payment Plans and Installments
  • One Login for Families
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Engage.In Workflow Management Screenshot

Workflow Management

A better experience for your admissions team. Save time with powerful automation tailored to your school.

Review your applications easily with custom scoring, notes, and simple stage management.

  • Custom Stage Management
  • Automated Workflow
  • Easy Collaboration With Your Team
Analytics Graphs Screenshot in Engage.In

Data-Driven Decisions

Gain valuable insights on your admission and enrollment with custom reports and querying power.

Efficiently analyze your applicants and fine-tune key metrics.

  • Custom Dashboards
  • Powerful Graphics

Want To Learn More?

Get in touch today to learn how Engage.In can transform your school!