Parent Portal

One Login. Zero Complaints

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Engage.In Portal Login Screenshot

You're Changing Student's Lives.
But What About The Parents?

Once upon a time, your parents had 5 different logins to pay tuition, sign re-enrollment applications, update emergency contact information, order school uniforms... shall we go on?

Let them do it all in one place. One login, a new way of life.

Mother and Daughter
Two Students Smiling


One spot to complete applications, access documents, and pay deposits or fees.

Once enrolled, they keep their same login for the rest of the education journey.

  • Complete Forms
  • Pay Fees
  • Access Documents
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Woman completing dynamic and responsive form


Save your parents valuable time with how they re-enroll every year. With Engage.In's applications parents do not have to start from scratch every year.

Information from the previous forms like personal details and emergency contacts are all synced through to avoid re-entering information and save time.

  • Save Parents Time
  • Synced Fields From Past Forms
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Teacher in classroom

Tuition Payments

Remove barriers for parents to make tuition payments.

A single place for parents to make tuition payments, set up installment plans, and view their past payments and order history.

  • Choose Payment and Installment Plans
  • View Past Tuition Payments
Engage.In Store


Sell your uniforms, merchandise, and anything else with an online store.

Want your junior school parents to see different products than senior school parents? With different products show up for different people - so only grade 4 parents see products for grade 4 students.

  • Show Relevant Products to the Right People
  • Require Access Codes for Products
  • Mobile-Friendly Responsive Store
Engage.In File Sharing

Files & Resources

Sharing documents and resources to your parents is made easy with portal. Control which parents see what, personalizing their available documents based on their child's class year or school environment.

For your administration team? They can see who is viewing and downloading a document and when.

  • Share Files to the Right People
  • Track Downloads and Views

Want To Learn More?

Get in touch today to learn how Engage.In can transform your school!