
Build And Maintain Community.

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Students Running

Bring Your School Community Together.
Events, Done Better.

From students and parents, to your global alumni, events let you build and maintain community.

Person completing Engage.In Event ticket form
School Alumni Event

Alumni Events

Relationships don't stop at graduation.

Host ticketed or RSVP luncheons, class reunions, and more around the world to connect with your alumni.

  • Send Personalized Invitations
  • Responsive Mobile-Friendly Ticket Forms
Engage.In event form images

Fundraising Events

Easily create complex events with different types of tickets, prices, access codes, and sponsorship packages.

  • Custom Publishing Logic
  • Require Access Codes Certain Tickets
  • Share Promotion Codes
Engage.In event Management Screenshot

Easy Management

Streamlined builders empower you to set up your event forms, create tickets and pricing levels, promotion codes, and monitor your attendance and revenue.

Easily promote your event with our integrated mass email system and send personalized invitations.

  • Streamlined Builders
  • Analytics Dashboards to Track Attendance

Want To Learn More?

Get in touch today to learn how Engage.In can transform your school!