
Engagement All In One Place.

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Group of Students

Engage Your School Community, Easier.

Students, parents, alumni, and staff.
Communicate with everyone, all in one place.

Woman at Computer
Mass Email Tool Screenshot

Mass Email

Need to send an email to the parents of Grade 3? How about your alumni Class of 2004? Send targeted communications to the right people at the right time.

After you've sent your email, see granular detail like when each recipient opened their email or clicked on any of your links. You can even change a link after the email is sent.

  • Audience Segmentation
  • Update a Link After Sending
  • Powerful Analytics
Mother on Phone with Kids

Mass Autodial & Text

Send out pre-recorded messages or phone surveys to ensure your message is heard, whether an emergency communication to your school community or to get feedback on your latest initiative.

  • Emergency Communications
  • Phone Surveys
Woman completing dynamic and responsive form


Create dynamic and responsive forms like admissions applications, re-enrollment forms, surveys, volunteer sign-ups, or newsletter subscriptions.

See all your responses, incomplete submissions, shared files, and powerful analytic Dashboards.

  • PDF Response Summaries
  • Save Drafts and Finish Later
  • Resposive Mobile-Friendly
Alumni Reception Event


From students and parents, to your global alumni, Events lets you build and maintain your School's community.

From RSVP events to complex multiday conferences, our event management and forms can handle it all.

  • Send Personalized Invitations
  • Discount and Access Codes for Tickets
  • Attendee and Sales Analytics
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Engage.In File Sharing

Files & Resource Sharing

Sharing documents, folders and resources is made easy with Engage.In's file sharing links. See who is clicking, viewing or downloading your document and when.

Easily update the version of a file to ensure the latest copy is always shared.

  • Track Downloads and Views
  • Fast and Easy Sharing
  • File Versioning
Engage.In Contact Page

Database Of Contacts

Keep track of your students, parents, alumni and more.

Custom fields let you track the things you care about like Class Year.

  • Personalized Engagement, Relationship, and Financial Scores
  • Detailed Engagement History
  • Manual and Automated Segmentation

Want To Learn More?

Get in touch today to learn how Engage.In can transform your school!